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Acuvue Contact Lenses

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Brand History

Acuvue, a pioneering brand in the contact lens industry, was introduced in 1987 by Johnson & Johnson Vision Care. Originally developed by Frontier Contact Lens Company in the 1950s, Acuvue revolutionized eye care by launching the world’s first disposable soft contact lens. Known for its comfort and advanced technology, their lenses quickly gained popularity for their breathable materials and moisture retention. Over the years, Acuvue has continued to innovate, offering a wide range of lenses tailored to different vision needs, including daily lenses for astigmatism and presbyopia, and specialty lenses for myopia management.

Contact Lens Design

Acuvue contact lenses are renowned for their innovative design that prioritizes comfort, clarity, and eye health, setting them apart from competitors. Their lenses utilize advanced technologies like Hydraclear and Hydraluxe, which maintain moisture throughout the day, making them exceptionally comfortable for prolonged wear. Acuvue also emphasizes UV protection, with many lenses blocking over 98% of UVB and 85% of UVA rays. The brand’s focus on high oxygen permeability ensures that the eyes stay healthier and less irritated compared to standard lenses, making them a preferred choice among contact lens users. to support every individual’s ocular health. 

Acuvue Oasys MAX 1-Day

Acuvue Oasys MAX 1-Day lenses by Johnson & Johnson are designed to deliver exceptional comfort and clarity, particularly in challenging environments like digital device use or dry, air-conditioned spaces. These lenses feature TearStable Technology, which helps to maintain a stable tear film and reduce dryness. They also include OptiBlue Light Filter to reduce blue light exposure, making them ideal for those who spend long hours on screens. With UV protection and a smooth, hydrated lens surface, these lenses are top performers for daily wear.

Brand Family:

  • Acuvue Oasys MAX 1 Day sphere
  • Acuvue Oasys MAX 1 Day Multifocal

Acuvue Oasys 1 Day with Hydraluxe lenses by Johnson & Johnson are known for their exceptional comfort and moisture retention. The Hydraluxe technology integrates with the eye’s natural tear film, reducing symptoms of tired and dry eyes. These lenses are particularly beneficial for those who spend extended periods on digital devices or in dry environments. With UV protection and a design that promotes clear, stable vision throughout the day, these lenses are a top choice for daily wear.

Brand Family:

  • Acuvue Oasys 1 Day with Hydraluxe sphere
  • Acuvue Oasys 1 Day with Hydraluxe for Astigmatism

Acuvue Abiliti lenses are specifically designed to address the growing issue of myopia, or nearsightedness, particularly in children. These lenses use breakthrough technology to not only correct vision but also slow the progression of myopia, helping to protect eye health over time. Acuvue Abiliti’s unique combination of vision correction and myopia management sets it apart as an innovative option for young patients needing both immediate and long-term eye care solutions.

The Abiliti 1-Day lenses are designed with a comfortable fit and high oxygen permeability, ensuring they are suitable for daily wear. They are currently only available in Canada. The Abiliti Overnight lenses are the only FDA-approved orthokeratology lens for myopia management and are available today.

Brand Family:

  • Acuvue Abiliti 1-Day (coming soon)
  • Acuvue Abiliti Overnight
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OptiBlue Light Filter

We spend more and more time on digital devices, up to 13+ hours a day, a 35% increase since 2019. This increased digital device usage causes eye strain and causes light scatter which impacts visual clarity.

Acuvue Oasys Max 1-Day contacts have 60% Blue-violet light filtering, the highest in the industry

Our Locations

San Mateo

  • 194 Hillsdale Shopping Center
  • San Mateo, CA 94403

San Jose

  • 377 Santana Row, Suite #1115
  • San Jose, CA 95128

San Ramon

  • 6000 Bollinger Canyon Road, Suite #1104
  • San Ramon, CA 94583


  • 9309 Glacier Hwy, Suite A103
  • Juneau, AK 99801

Family Eye Exams

An eye exam is an essential part of preventive health care. At Optical Illusions: An Optometric Practice, we invest in industry-leading diagnostic technology that gives us an unprecedented view of your eye health and vision.

With this technology, we can provide truly personalized and comprehensive eye care to patients of all ages.

Access high-quality eye care from a team that genuinely cares.

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