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Emergency Eye Care

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Don’t Risk Your

If you or somebody you know is currently experiencing a serious issue and is in need of emergency eye care, it is of the utmost importance to seek immediate medical attention by calling 911 or going to your nearest emergency room. An eye emergency is usually treatable if detected early enough, but if they get left undiagnosed you may experience permanent damage.

Our offices have limited emergency eye care available. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you are experiencing an eye emergency. If outside our standard business hours, please refer to our on-call phone number.

Types of
Eye Emergencies


Small foreign objects such as dirt, dust, eyelashes, hair, and other particles are common irritants we come across in everyday life. These particles have the potential to make their way into your eye and eyelids.

Our eyes are usually effective at removing these objects on their own, but in some cases when foreign objects cannot be removed naturally, they will need to be flushed out or removed with special tools by one of our eye care professionals.

Larger foreign objects, like pieces of metal, can potentially cause your eyes severe damage and can cause rust to form on your eye, which is toxic to the cornea. It is imperative to seek medical attention immediately if your eye has been punctured—make sure to not apply pressure to the object or move it before your treatment at Optical Illusions.

Chemical exposure to sensitive eye tissues can lead to chemical burns. There are 2 common types of chemical burns: acid burns and alkali burns.

Acid Burns are usually caused by household chemicals contained in cleaning products, batteries, and bleach splashing into the eye. If you experience an acid burn, you should immediately flush the affected area with cold water for up to 15 minutes, then contact Optical Illusions for treatment.

Alkali burns emerge from products containing alkali, like drain cleaners and fertilizers, splashing into the eye. Alkali burns are more dangerous than Acid burns and can cause permanent and detrimental ocular damage, so it is important to flush your eye with cold water immediately for up to 15 minutes, then contact Optical Illusions for treatment.

Ocular & orbital trauma is when the eye takes a sudden impact from an accident or fall. This type of eye emergency can injure the eye or its surrounding structure permanently if it is left untreated. Symptoms of ocular and orbital trauma can include:

  • Bruising and swelling around the eye (black eye)
  • Bleeding
  • Facial numbness
  • Pain in and around the eye
  • Cuts on the eyelid
  • Blurry or double vision

Corneal abrasions and scratches can occur in many different circumstances: playing sports, doing housework, cooking, playing with your pets or kids, or working. The number one concern after a corneal abrasion is the high likelihood of an eye infection occuring.

Symptoms that arise from receiving a scratch can surface quickly, or they may take longer to become apparent depending on its severity. Symptoms of this kind of eye emergency include:

  • Pain
  • Redness
  • Excessive tearing
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Headache

Reducing the Risk of Eye Emergencies

Many careers and hobbies that have a higher risk of eye injuries and require the use of safety eyewear. DO NOT ever assume that you do not need to wear eye protection for these situations, even if you only need to do so for a few seconds. While Optical Illusions: An Optometric Practice offers limited emergency eye care services that can save your vision and safeguard your quality of life, the best treatment is always prevention.

For our hours and location information, please contact us.

Our Locations

San Mateo

  • 194 Hillsdale Shopping Center
  • San Mateo, CA 94403

San Jose

  • 377 Santana Row, Suite #1115
  • San Jose, CA 95128

San Ramon

  • 6000 Bollinger Canyon Road, Suite #1104
  • San Ramon, CA 94583


  • 9309 Glacier Hwy, Suite A103
  • Juneau, AK 99801

Family Eye Exams

An eye exam is an essential part of preventive health care. At Optical Illusions: An Optometric Practice, we invest in industry-leading diagnostic technology that gives us an unprecedented view of your eye health and vision.

With this technology, we can provide truly personalized and comprehensive eye care to patients of all ages.

Access high-quality eye care from a team that genuinely cares.

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