Get Started with Upneeq

Upneeq is a groundbreaking eye drop designed to lift droopy eyelids, offering a quick, non-surgical solution. Launched by RVL Pharmaceuticals in 2020, it was developed to help people with acquired ptosis, a condition where eyelids sag and can block vision. With just one drop, Upneeq gently lifts the eyelids, improving both appearance and eyesight in as little as 15 minutes. Its convenience and effectiveness have made it a popular choice for those looking to refresh their eyes without the need for surgery, providing a boost in confidence and vision throughout the day.

Say bye-bye to tired-looking eyelids, and hello to a refreshed, more awake-looking you. See what it feels like to live with eyes wide open. If you have low-lying eyelids, find out if it is right for you. Schedule an eye exam today.

Upneeq Eye‑Opening Benefits

Upneeq opens eyes by targeting the muscles of the upper eyelid, and causing them to contract. This contraction moves the eyelid upward, opening the eye wider. When more of the iris and white of the eye are visible, eyes often appear bigger, with an improved field of vision.

Just one drop in each affected eye, once daily, gets visible results in as fast as 5 minutes, and can last up to 8 hours.

Easy Application

Our single-use vials make it easy to apply and move on with your day. Just one eye drop per affected eye, once daily, has been clinically proven to lift low-lying eyelids.

Upneeq works to lift the upper eyelid quickly, with many users reporting a difference in as fast as 5 minutes. In clinical trials, 84% of them had some form of improvement in eyelid lift.

Upneeq doesn’t just improve the look of the eyes, lifted eyelids can increase upper field of vision. In clinical trials, 88% of patients reported some form of improvement in their upper field of vision.

No one wants their eyes to look sleepy, droopy, or older. By lifting the upper eyelid, it opens your eyes, making them appear larger, making you look alert, and more awake.

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Eyes Wide Open

These before and after results are from real patients with low-lying eyelids. Upneeq has clinically proven results that are fast and can last up to 8 hours. It’s also FDA-approved, and safe to use daily or on days when your eyelids need a lift.

Our Locations

San Mateo

  • 194 Hillsdale Shopping Center
  • San Mateo, CA 94403

San Jose

  • 377 Santana Row, Suite #1115
  • San Jose, CA 95128

San Ramon

  • 6000 Bollinger Canyon Road #1104
  • San Ramon, CA 94583


  • 9309 Glacier Hwy, Suite A103
  • Juneau, AK 99801

Family Eye Exams

An eye exam is an essential part of preventive health care. At Optical Illusions: An Optometric Practice, we invest in industry-leading diagnostic technology that gives us an unprecedented view of your eye health and vision.

With this technology, we can provide truly personalized and comprehensive eye care to patients of all ages.

Access high-quality eye care from a team that genuinely cares.

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