optometry-eyes-eyewear-eyeglasses-glasses-lenses-blue-light-filter-exposure-eye-fatigue-strain-dry-how-often-schedule-eye-exam-annual-comprehensive-cee-aee-optometrist-optical-illusions-eye-care-eyecare-oct-imaging-optical-coherence-tomography-octa-eye-disease-cataracts-glaucoma-diabetes-diabetic-retinopathy-macular-degeneration-drusen-blindness-vision-optometrist-eye-care-eyecare-risk-assessment-diabetic-eye-exam-a1c-retinal-screening-optos-optomap-fundus-eye-doctor-comanagement-lasik-consultation-refractive surgery--retinal-screening-fundus-photography-nevus-melanoma-eye-cancer

Maximize Your Insurance Benefits

Book Appointment

It’s important to us that our patients have easy access to their eye care, so being in-network with major insurances like VSP Vision and Medicare. It’s an essential part of preventive eye care and helps protect overall eye health and wellness. We accept a variety of payment options including FSA / HSA health dollars, all major credit cards, CareCredit, Sunbit, and online payments.

We accept a Variety of Insurances

To make your eye exam as convenient as possible, we are in-network with VSP Vision and many other major insurance providers:


  • VSP Vision
  • Aetna*
  • Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • FEP Blue Medical
  • Medicare


* We do not accept EyeMed (even if the card indicates Aetna) in our Juneau practice.

If you don’t see your insurance provider listed above, please message our offices, and we’d be happy to look into it more. Insurance plans can change frequently, so if you have specific questions about your plan and what your insurance covers, we encourage you to contact your HR Manager or insurance provider member support line directly.

We are In-Network VSP Vision Providers

Optical Illusions: An Optometric Practice is an in-network VSP Provider and are Platinum-level VSP Premier Edge practices, which means VSP Vision members can maximize their VSP benefits here and get the most out of their eye care experience at our four practice locations.

We understand that saving money is more important than ever. With lots of savings with VSP Premier Edge Offers, Optical Illusions: An Optometric Practice is here to ensure your eye health is top of mind while you still get the most out of your vision benefits. We encourage you to take advantage of these Premier Edge Offers and get the most out of your VSP. 


Approximately 65% percent of the U.S. adult population has some type of vision insurance, leaving 35% uninsured. As a local-owned, independent eye care clinic in the community, we want to provide immediate impact on the lives of our uninsured patients by connecting them to affordable vision coverage. 

If you are in need of vision coverage, click here to compare benefits and savings for various affordable VSP Individual Vision Plans.

Use Your FSA and HSA

Don’t risk losing your money this year. Every year, millions of Americans let their vision benefits go to waste, and it is estimated that we collectively forfeit $400 million a year from unused Flexible Spending Account (FSA), Healthy Savings Accounts (HSA), and vision benefits. Maximizing these benefits before the year concludes is not only a savvy financial move, but a proactive step towards prioritizing your eye health.

If your employer offers FSA or HSA, use those health dollars for your eye care needs. FSAs allow you to set aside pre-tax dollars for medical expenses. This includes vision-related costs and aesthetics. Here are just some of the many things you can spend your FSA/HSA on:

Take a proactive approach to maximize your benefits. By scheduling appointments early, exploring additional services, using any expiring benefits, and leveraging FSA and HSA, you not only prioritize your eye health but also make the most out of the investment you’ve made in your vision benefits.

Our Locations

San Mateo

  • 194 Hillsdale Shopping Center
  • San Mateo, CA 94403

San Jose

  • 377 Santana Row, Suite #1115
  • San Jose, CA 95128

San Ramon

  • 6000 Bollinger Canyon Road #1104
  • San Ramon, CA 94583


  • 9309 Glacier Hwy, Suite A103
  • Juneau, AK 99801

Family Eye Exams

An eye exam is an essential part of preventive health care. At Optical Illusions: An Optometric Practice, we invest in industry-leading diagnostic technology that gives us an unprecedented view of your eye health and vision.

With this technology, we can provide truly personalized and comprehensive eye care to patients of all ages.

Access high-quality eye care from a team that genuinely cares.

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