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Dr. William To Named a Best Rated Eye Doctor in San Mateo 2024 by Three Best Rated


SAN MATEO, CA – Dr. William To has been named a Top 3 Best Rated Eye Doctor in 2024 by Three Best Rated. This esteemed recognition highlights Dr. To’s exceptional dedication to providing outstanding eye care and highlights his commitment to excellence in patient service. Dr. To’s recognition as a Top 3 Eye Doctor is […]

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Have a Happy Fourth of July! – Fireworks Eye Safety Guide

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With the warm summer months finally here, so come the celebrations and festivities that often include dazzling firework displays. While fireworks can be a spectacular part of events like the Fourth of July, New Year’s Eve, and other celebrations, they also pose significant risks, especially to eye safety. This is why June is designated as […]

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Lifetime Eyecare by Optical Illusions named 2024 Best of Juneau Optometrist (Eye Doctor)


JUNEAU, AK – Lifetime Eyecare by Optical Illusions has been named the Gold Winner of the 2024 Best of Juneau Optometrist (Eye Doctor) by Local First Media Group. This esteemed recognition highlights Lifetime Eyecare by Optical Illusions’ exceptional dedication to providing outstanding eye care and highlights their commitment to excellence in patient services. “There have […]

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Not All Optical Lenses are Made the Same

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When it comes to purchasing eyeglasses, many people may not realize that not all optical lenses are created equal. The quality of lenses can vary significantly depending on where you buy them. We’ll explore the differences between optical lenses from private practices and those from commercial optical chains or online, and why the quality you […]

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How an Eye Exam Can Save Your Life with Retinal Screening

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“For those who read this, I urge you to pay the extra fee every year to get images inside your eyes — even if your vision is fine.” -Robert Rapier Robert Rapier, a Senior Contributor for Forbes, typically writes editorials covering the energy sector. Last year he published an article titled “How A $30 Test […]

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Benefits of Trivex Lenses for Eyeglasses: A Comprehensive Guide

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When it comes to choosing the best material for your eyeglass lenses, Trivex is a standout option that combines durability, clarity, and comfort. For anyone seeking optimal vision and eye protection, understanding the benefits of Trivex lenses can help you make an informed decision in this comprehensive overview. What is Trivex? Trivex is a revolutionary […]

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Exploring LASIK Surgery: Is It Right for You? What to Expect and Consider

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In the realm of vision correction, LASIK surgery stands out as a popular and effective option. If you’re tired of relying on glasses or contact lenses, you might be wondering if LASIK surgery is right for you. Let’s explore the ins and outs of LASIK, including what to expect, key considerations, and how to determine […]

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Don’t Be Framed: Pitfalls of Online Prescription Glasses Purchases


While buying eyeglasses online may be convenient for consumers, it may cost more in the long run. Why? Because incorrectly fitted eyeglasses or inaccurately filled prescriptions may be what you get if you make that quick online purchase. The American Optometric Association (AOA) teamed up with the Optical Laboratories Association and The Vision Council to look […]

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Do I have Dry Eye or Allergies?


When it comes to eye discomfort, distinguishing between dry eye or allergies is crucial for effective treatment and relief. Both conditions can cause similar symptoms, such as itching, redness, and irritation, but they do have distinct causes and require different approaches to management. Here, we delve into the differences between dry eye and allergies, providing […]

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