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Category: Contact Lenses

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What Are the Best Contact Lenses for Sports?

a woman in sports gear holds a contact lens

Playing your favorite sport, whether that’s football or basketball while wearing glasses can be challenging. Athletes usually prefer the flexibility that contact lenses allow, and your optometrist can help you find the right contact lenses for your unique visual needs. Regardless, there are trends for best of class comfort and vision that our more active […]

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How Do You Get Fitted for Contact Lenses?

A male optometrist passes a contact lens case to a woman with her back to the camera

Your Contact Lens Fitting Unique eyes deserve a unique fit. When your contact lenses are properly fitted, they can help you achieve clear, comfortable vision. But how do you get fitted for your contact lenses? Every eyewear journey, whether for eyeglasses or specialty contact lenses, begins with an exam. First-time wearers and returning patients require […]

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