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Category: Dry Eye

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What’s the Difference Between Eye Allergies and Dry Eye: Decoding Eye Discomfort


Do you often find yourself rubbing your eyes or reaching for eye drops to relieve discomfort? While eye allergies and dry eye share similar symptoms, such as itching, redness, and irritation, they stem from different causes and require distinct treatments. Understand the differences between eye allergies and dry eye, explore their unique characteristics, and discuss […]

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Demodex: The Silent Lurkers in Your Eyelashes


Let’s chat about something a bit unsettling but surprisingly common: Demodex mites. These tiny parasites love cozying up in our eyelashes and eyelids, causing all sorts of trouble. But fear not, we’re here to break down how to handle these sneaky critters with a more relaxed, conversational vibe. Spotting Demodex in Your Lashes Picture this: […]

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Navigating Poor Weather Conditions and Night Driving


Winter can be a difficult time for your eyes. The cold temperature outdoors and the circulating air from the heaters indoors means your eyes will get irritated no matter where you are. On top of that, navigating poor weather conditions and night driving demands special attention. These scenarios present unique challenges that can impact visibility […]

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Low-Level Light Therapy & Radiofrequency Treatment for Dry Eye

A man sitting at a desk in an office with his laptop and holding his glasses in his left hand as he rubs his eye

Millions of people around the globe experience dry eye syndrome. It’s a common condition resulting from various medical, lifestyle, and environmental factors. Characterized by symptoms such as burning, itching, redness, and the feeling of grittiness in the eyes, having dry eyes can significantly impact one’s quality of life.  While various treatments are available, including artificial […]

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Can Stress Cause Dry Eye?

A professional looking young man rubs his eyes with both of hands due to stress and dry eyes in front of his laptop.

Dry eye is a common eye condition that occurs when the eyes don’t produce enough tears or when the tears evaporate too quickly. This can cause discomfort, redness, and even vision problems.  While many factors, like wind and dry air, and conditions, like health problems and medication, can contribute to dry eye, research shows that […]

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Gritty Eyes: Is Something in Your Eye or Do You Have Dry Eye?

A hooded young man rubbing his eyes due to grittiness.

Have you ever felt something in your eye, even when you couldn’t see anything? That gritty feeling can be described as the sensation of having sand in your eyes. It can be uncomfortable and sometimes even painful. But what causes this feeling? Gritty eyes can be caused by several conditions, including dry eye. The first step […]

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Does Dry Eye Cause Floaters?

a woman in a purple shirt rubs her eye with her hand

Seeing Spots & Feeling Dry? When unusual spots are floating across your vision, you might wonder if you have an eye problem. It’s always wise to get your eyes assessed when you experience vision or eye changes. After an eye exam, your optometrist can determine if you’re experiencing a symptom of ocular disease, including chronic […]

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