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Can Stress Cause Dry Eye?

A professional looking young man rubs his eyes with both of hands due to stress and dry eyes in front of his laptop.

Dry eye is a common eye condition that occurs when the eyes don’t produce enough tears or when the tears evaporate too quickly. This can cause discomfort, redness, and even vision problems.  While many factors, like wind and dry air, and conditions, like health problems and medication, can contribute to dry eye, research shows that […]

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Uplift Your Eyes with Upneeq: An Eye-Enhancing Lift for Your Droopy Eyelids

A man in a blue shirt sharing details of his droopy eyelids to his optometrist who is listening diligently while taking notes.

Eye lifts are a popular cosmetic procedure, but going under the knife for beauty can be intimidating. We now offer a non-surgical, less-invasive way for those with droopy eyes to achieve an eye lift—with eye drops! Upneeq is a simple daily eye drop that’s FDA-approved to help correct drooping eyelids caused by acquired ptosis under […]

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How Does Ortho-K Work?

A woman smiling and putting a contact lens on her left eye using her left hand.

If you’re looking for an alternative to traditional eyeglasses or contact lenses, you may have heard of ortho-k. Ortho-k, or orthokeratology, is a type of specialty contact lens worn overnight to temporarily reshape your cornea while you sleep. When removed in the morning, you can enjoy clear vision during the day.  As long as you […]

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Gritty Eyes: Is Something in Your Eye or Do You Have Dry Eye?

A hooded young man rubbing his eyes due to grittiness.

Have you ever felt something in your eye, even when you couldn’t see anything? That gritty feeling can be described as the sensation of having sand in your eyes. It can be uncomfortable and sometimes even painful. But what causes this feeling? Gritty eyes can be caused by several conditions, including dry eye. The first step […]

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