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Category: Eye Exam

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Can Keratoconus be Cured?

a view from directly above of an optometrist examining a woman's eyes at an eye appointment to treat her keratoconus

Your eyes and vision are ever-changing, and different conditions may affect your eyes and vision over the years. The first step to maintaining healthy vision is scheduling consistent eye exams with your optometrist so they can stay up to date with your visual development. Keratoconus is one of these vision conditions that can be challenging to […]

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How Often Does Your Eye Prescription Change?

a pair of eyeglasses rests on a prescription for lenses

Consistent vision care begins at your optometrist’s office. Your comprehensive eye examination covers various important aspects of vision care, including checking if your eye prescription is up to date. But how often does your eye prescription change, and what can you expect during your eye exam? Let’s take a look.  What to Expect During Your […]

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