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Category: Eye Strain

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Dr. William To Named One of America’s Best Eye Doctors 2023 by Newsweek


SAN MATEO, CA – Dr. William To, Optometric Physician in AK and Doctor of Optometry in CA, has been named one of America’s Best Eye Doctors 2023 by Newsweek. This esteemed recognition highlights Dr. To’s exceptional dedication to providing outstanding eye care and underscores his commitment to excellence in patient service. Dr. To’s recognition as […]

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Annual Eye Exams: Why Regular Check-Ups are Essential for Your Health


In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to overlook the importance of regular eye exams. However, maintaining your eye health is as critical as visiting your dentist or getting a physical check-up. Annual eye exams are not only pivotal in detecting vision problems but are also vital in identifying early signs of […]

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Blue Light Glasses: Do They Really Work? Exploring the Benefits and Myths


In today’s digital age, our screens have become an integral part of daily life. Whether it’s working on a computer, scrolling through social media on our smartphones, or binge-watching our favorite shows on streaming platforms, we’re constantly exposed to digital screens. With this increased screen time comes concerns about the potential negative effects of blue […]

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Myokymia: the Mystery of Eye Twitching

Have you ever experienced that annoying and involuntary eyelid or eye twitching that seems to have a mind of its own? You’re not alone. Most of us have encountered this peculiar phenomenon, commonly known as myokymia or eye twitching. Let’s unravel the mystery behind those uncontrollable eye flutters and explore what might be causing them. […]

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Navigating Poor Weather Conditions and Night Driving


Winter can be a difficult time for your eyes. The cold temperature outdoors and the circulating air from the heaters indoors means your eyes will get irritated no matter where you are. On top of that, navigating poor weather conditions and night driving demands special attention. These scenarios present unique challenges that can impact visibility […]

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