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Category: Myopia

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Don’t Be Framed: Pitfalls of Online Prescription Glasses Purchases


While buying eyeglasses online may be convenient for consumers, it may cost more in the long run. Why? Because incorrectly fitted eyeglasses or inaccurately filled prescriptions may be what you get if you make that quick online purchase. The American Optometric Association (AOA) teamed up with the Optical Laboratories Association and The Vision Council to look […]

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Optical Illusions of San Jose named 2024 Best Optometry Office by The Mercury News


SAN JOSE, CA – Optical Illusions: An Optometric Practice has been named the 2024 Best Optometry Office in Silicon Valley by The Mercury News. This esteemed recognition highlights Optical Illusions of San Jose’s exceptional dedication to providing outstanding eye care and highlights their commitment to excellence in patient services. “We are happy to reopen our […]

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Honoring Our Heroes: The Importance of Healthcare and Eye Care for Veterans


This Memorial Day, our thoughts turn to the brave men and women who have served in the military, protecting our freedoms and ensuring our safety. This day is a time for reflection and gratitude, honoring those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. It is also an opportunity to consider the ongoing needs […]

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Optical Illusions of San Mateo named 2024 Top 5 Best Eyecare by San Mateo Chamber of Commerce


SAN MATEO, CA – Optical Illusions: An Optometric Practice has been named one of 2024 Top 5 Best Eyecare and Eyeglass Stores by the San Mateo Chamber of Commerce. This esteemed recognition highlights Optical Illusions of San Mateo’s exceptional dedication to providing outstanding eye care and underscores their commitment to excellence in patient service. “It […]

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Dr. William To Named One of America’s Best Eye Doctors 2023 by Newsweek


SAN MATEO, CA – Dr. William To, Optometric Physician in AK and Doctor of Optometry in CA, has been named one of America’s Best Eye Doctors 2023 by Newsweek. This esteemed recognition highlights Dr. To’s exceptional dedication to providing outstanding eye care and underscores his commitment to excellence in patient service. Dr. To’s recognition as […]

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Why Annual Eye Exams Are Essential for Contact Lenses Wearers


If you’re a contact lens wearer, you’re likely familiar with the annual journey to your eye doctor to renew your contact lens prescription. While some might view this as merely procedural, there are compelling legal, health, and safety reasons that make these yearly visits crucial. Let’s explore why it is legally required to have an […]

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Annual Eye Exams: Why Regular Check-Ups are Essential for Your Health


In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to overlook the importance of regular eye exams. However, maintaining your eye health is as critical as visiting your dentist or getting a physical check-up. Annual eye exams are not only pivotal in detecting vision problems but are also vital in identifying early signs of […]

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Navigating Poor Weather Conditions and Night Driving


Winter can be a difficult time for your eyes. The cold temperature outdoors and the circulating air from the heaters indoors means your eyes will get irritated no matter where you are. On top of that, navigating poor weather conditions and night driving demands special attention. These scenarios present unique challenges that can impact visibility […]

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Astigmatism vs. Myopia vs. Presbyopia

An optometrist explaining the results of an eye exam to her patient using the aid of an eye diagram.

Your eyes are intricate and delicate organs that provide you with the gift of sight. Unfortunately, sometimes things can go wrong. An optometrist can uncover refractive errors during a comprehensive eye exam and help you understand their meaning. Some of the most common refractive errors are astigmatism, myopia, and presbyopia. Although these conditions may sound […]

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