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Category: Myopia

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Navigating Poor Weather Conditions and Night Driving


Winter can be a difficult time for your eyes. The cold temperature outdoors and the circulating air from the heaters indoors means your eyes will get irritated no matter where you are. On top of that, navigating poor weather conditions and night driving demands special attention. These scenarios present unique challenges that can impact visibility […]

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Astigmatism vs. Myopia vs. Presbyopia

An optometrist explaining the results of an eye exam to her patient using the aid of an eye diagram.

Your eyes are intricate and delicate organs that provide you with the gift of sight. Unfortunately, sometimes things can go wrong. An optometrist can uncover refractive errors during a comprehensive eye exam and help you understand their meaning. Some of the most common refractive errors are astigmatism, myopia, and presbyopia. Although these conditions may sound […]

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Signs of Childhood Myopia

an eye doctor performs an eye exam on a young girl to determine if she has childhood myopia

As a parent, you’re constantly keeping an eye on your child’s health and well-being. While you may be quick to jump on signs of a cold or a fever, monitoring your child’s vision is just as important. In today’s world, with so much screen time, it’s common for kids to develop myopia (commonly known as […]

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Does Myopia Get Worse with Age?

Young male optometrist helps adjust a trial frame on a smiling and happy mature patient.

Can Age Affect Myopia? Myopia (nearsightedness) is one of the most common vision problems globally, and it’s only growing. Some research suggests that 50% of the world’s population will have myopia by 2050. Early diagnosis of myopia and vision problems is the best method of preventing worsening conditions. Primarily, myopia management is aimed at children, […]

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Can Myopia Be Reversed?

Young smiling woman holding out and examining a black pair of glasses.

Myopia Insight Your vision and your ocular health are inseparable. Keeping an eye on vision changes is essential for adult eye exams and pediatric eye exams. Although myopia is typically discussed for its impacts on sight, it’s also a big part of your health and lifestyle. Unfortunately, without a time machine, completely reversing myopia isn’t […]

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