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Category: Eye Health

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What Do Christie Brinkley and Bono Have in Common?


A regular eye screening saved both from significant vision loss due to glaucoma. Both supermodel Christie Brinkley and Bono, the lead singer of U2, were diagnosed with glaucoma during a routine eye exam. Both were also surprised by the diagnosis since they weren’t experiencing problems with their vision. That’s the sinister nature of glaucoma, one […]

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Is Blepharitis Contagious?

A man sitting at a desk in an office with his laptop and holding his glasses in his right hand as he rubs his eyes

Blepharitis is an eye condition that presents with symptoms similar to pink eye, including redness, itchiness, and swelling. This confusion has people often wondering whether blepharitis is contagious.  Unlike pink eye, blepharitis is not contagious. Despite that, you should still visit your eye doctor for an eye exam to properly diagnose the condition and recommend […]

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Low-Level Light Therapy & Radiofrequency Treatment for Dry Eye

A man sitting at a desk in an office with his laptop and holding his glasses in his left hand as he rubs his eye

Millions of people around the globe experience dry eye syndrome. It’s a common condition resulting from various medical, lifestyle, and environmental factors. Characterized by symptoms such as burning, itching, redness, and the feeling of grittiness in the eyes, having dry eyes can significantly impact one’s quality of life.  While various treatments are available, including artificial […]

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Signs of Childhood Myopia

an eye doctor performs an eye exam on a young girl to determine if she has childhood myopia

As a parent, you’re constantly keeping an eye on your child’s health and well-being. While you may be quick to jump on signs of a cold or a fever, monitoring your child’s vision is just as important. In today’s world, with so much screen time, it’s common for kids to develop myopia (commonly known as […]

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Uplift Your Eyes with Upneeq: An Eye-Enhancing Lift for Your Droopy Eyelids

A man in a blue shirt sharing details of his droopy eyelids to his optometrist who is listening diligently while taking notes.

Eye lifts are a popular cosmetic procedure, but going under the knife for beauty can be intimidating. We now offer a non-surgical, less-invasive way for those with droopy eyes to achieve an eye lift—with eye drops! Upneeq is a simple daily eye drop that’s FDA-approved to help correct drooping eyelids caused by acquired ptosis under […]

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