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Gritty Eyes: Is Something in Your Eye or Do You Have Dry Eye?

A hooded young man rubbing his eyes due to grittiness.

Have you ever felt something in your eye, even when you couldn’t see anything? That gritty feeling can be described as the sensation of having sand in your eyes. It can be uncomfortable and sometimes even painful. But what causes this feeling? Gritty eyes can be caused by several conditions, including dry eye. The first step […]

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How Long Do Eye Exams Take?

A female optician is covering the left eye of a female child and doing a visual acuity exam.

In a world where “time is money,” many people hesitate to book necessary appointments like comprehensive eye exams because they don’t know how long it’ll take. Seeing the eye doctor can indeed mean lengthy appointments at times, but you might be surprised to learn how short an exam could be: a typical comprehensive eye exam […]

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What Are Scleral Lenses?

A young woman smiling and about to wear a contact lens on her fingertip. scleral lenses

For many people, contact lenses are preferable to eyeglasses. Contacts, after all, have a wider field of view, don’t obstruct your vision with frames, make some daily activities more convenient, and give you more options for non-prescription sunglasses. However, not everyone is a candidate for traditional contact lenses. Factors like your eye shape or eye […]

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Can Keratoconus be Cured?

a view from directly above of an optometrist examining a woman's eyes at an eye appointment to treat her keratoconus

Your eyes and vision are ever-changing, and different conditions may affect your eyes and vision over the years. The first step to maintaining healthy vision is scheduling consistent eye exams with your optometrist so they can stay up to date with your visual development. Keratoconus is one of these vision conditions that can be challenging to […]

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