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Category: Eye Health

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Signs of Childhood Myopia

an eye doctor performs an eye exam on a young girl to determine if she has childhood myopia

As a parent, you’re constantly keeping an eye on your child’s health and well-being. While you may be quick to jump on signs of a cold or a fever, monitoring your child’s vision is just as important. In today’s world, with so much screen time, it’s common for kids to develop myopia (commonly known as […]

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Uplift Your Eyes with Upneeq: An Eye-Enhancing Lift for Your Droopy Eyelids

A man in a blue shirt sharing details of his droopy eyelids to his optometrist who is listening diligently while taking notes.

Eye lifts are a popular cosmetic procedure, but going under the knife for beauty can be intimidating. We now offer a non-surgical, less-invasive way for those with droopy eyes to achieve an eye lift—with eye drops! Upneeq is a simple daily eye drop that’s FDA-approved to help correct drooping eyelids caused by acquired ptosis under […]

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What Are Scleral Lenses?

A young woman smiling and about to wear a contact lens on her fingertip. scleral lenses

For many people, contact lenses are preferable to eyeglasses. Contacts, after all, have a wider field of view, don’t obstruct your vision with frames, make some daily activities more convenient, and give you more options for non-prescription sunglasses. However, not everyone is a candidate for traditional contact lenses. Factors like your eye shape or eye […]

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